Every ticket matters.
Delivering quality is key. Our AI optimizes the time you spend reviewing tickets and focuses where agents can improve their skills. No more random drawing, discover smart drawing.
You’re 1min away from your best customer experience.
Improve tickets quality. Big time.
All the features you need.
AI smart tickets drawing
Random drawing is a good start, but can take long and miss important tickets where quality could have been improved.
Easy interface
Use filters to generate quality check on any group of tickets.
You handle it or we do
We're checking a minimum of 5% of your tickets, and you can too, to improve your agent skills.
Quality score impacting agents' bonus
It's in their interest to offer the best quality as 33% their bonus depends on their quality score.
With 200K+ tickets checked, we know how to improve quality.
We're confident enough to improve your processes and CSAT, see how we do it with a few figures.
Tickets quality checked
And it's a minimum.
Tickets reviewed each month
Helping us to improve processes and make you benefit from the experience we have in your industry.
Processes improved each month
We use reviews outputs to improve your knowledge base on a daily basis.
Powering the world's best teams.
250+ customers trust us to handle 15M+ interactions per year, from next-gen startups to established entreprises.
You're in good company.
And you don't have to take our word for it.