









Neueste Anleitungen und Nachrichtenartikel

Wir helfen mehr als 250 Marken, messbare Ergebnisse zu erzielen.
Wir helfen mehr als 250 Marken, messbare Ergebnisse zu erzielen.






Outsourcing Customer Service: Solutions for Swiss Businesses

Swiss companies face high costs and talent shortages in customer service. Outsourcing offers cost-effective, scalable, and tech-driven solutions to enhance support.

Matera’s Success: Streamlining Customer Support with Onepilot & Front

Discover how Matera responds 2x faster to over 1,300 weekly requests with Onepilot and Front.

Quality Certification: How to Obtain It in 3 Years of a Startup?

Learn how Onepilot achieved ISO 18295-1 certification in just 3 years, improving customer service quality & operational efficiency.

10 Powerful Customer Service KPIs That Deliver Results

With thousands of KPIs out there, uncover the ones that truly drive success with real-life case studies to enhance customer experiences.

Revolutionary Guide: How Generations Shop for Holiday Joy

Explore how different generations shop during holidays and adapt your strategies to boost festive sales effectively.

Transform Your Business: Uplifting Voice of Customer Strategies

Enhance customer retention and innovation with Voice of Customer strategies. Turn feedback into impactful business results.

Mastering German Customer Care: Top Hiring Solutions

Master hiring German-speaking agents: overcome talent scarcity, cultural nuances, and legal hurdles with outsourcing solutions.

Onepilot’s Powerful Growth: €25M ARR & EBITDA Positive

From 0 to €25M ARR in 3 years, Onepilot grew with tech-driven innovation, disciplined growth, and a culture of ownership.

Exciting Secrets: Jonak and Onepilot's New Revolution

Discover the exciting secrets of Jonak and Onepilot's new revolution! Unleash powerful strategies that will elevate your journey to success today.

Master Customer Care for BFCM Success This Year

Prepare for record-breaking BFCM with fast, responsive customer service to enhance loyalty and maximize sales.

Excelia’s Lead Management Transformed with Onepilot’s Magic

Onepilot enhanced Excelia's lead management by streamlining processes, improving communication, and increasing conversion rates.

Exclusive Victory: Decathlon and Onepilot Shine Bright!

Les cas d’Or: Decathlon and Onepilot win for outsourced customer relations. A partnership for exceptional customer experience.

WhatsApp: The Future of Customer Relationships

Discover how WhatsApp stands out as a major asset for outsourcing customer support.

Unique Strategy: JOTT’s Surging Ticket Volume Explained

Learn how JOTT handled 10x ticket volumes during peaks with Onepilot’s smart solutions for scalable customer care success.

Unlock Powerful AI: Empower Support Agents Now

Generative AI, like ChatGPT, is reshaping customer support. But can AI truly replace human agents?

Wie hat Onepilot dem Bottle Club geholfen, seinen Fokus erfolgreich von schnellem Wachstum auf Rentabilität zu verlagern?

The Bottle Club experienced rapid growth and this surge in demand brought operational challenges.

Die Bedeutung des Nachkauf-Erlebnisses im Jahr 2024

Explore how a seamless post-purchase experience in 2024 can boost customer loyalty, drive sales, and enhance satisfaction.

Quitoque und Onepilot: 100% in Frankreich hergestellt

Discover how Quitoque leveraged Onepilot to support its customer care and increase their KPIs.

Vertuoza und Onepilot - eine Erfolgsgeschichte

A short overview of our partnership with Vertuoza, displaying how Onepilot can function as a business development enhancer.

Juristische Innovation in Aktion: der Onepilot-Effekt bei LegalPlace

Onepilot trained agents to help LegalPlace assist entrepreneurs in business creation and status updates seamlessly.

Wie Pony sein schnelles Wachstum mit 24/7-Kundenservice unterstützt

Discover how Onepilot helped Pony manage exponential growth while redefining electric shared mobility in France.

Warum Cabaïa "einfach nicht die Zukunft ohne Onepilot vorstellen kann"

Cabaïa reinforced its industry leadership with Onepilot, achieving lasting growth through a solid partnership.

Von 0 auf 10 Mio. € ARR in 2 Jahren: Onepilot Rückblick

From 0 to €10M ARR in 2 years: Onepilot retrospection.

Heights erweitert seinen Kundenservice in 10 Tagen mit voller Flexibilität

Heights scaled its team rapidly to maintain high customer satisfaction during a major off-site event.

Qonto wird seinen Kundenservice in einem Monat in einem neuen Markt in Deutschland ausbauen, nach der Übernahme seines Konkurrenten Penta

Qonto expanded its service team from 2 to 100 agents in a month with Onepilot to support Penta’s customer transition.

Wie man seinen Kundenservice erfolgreich in 6 Schritten outsourcen kann?

Learn how to outsource customer service in 6 steps to boost efficiency, reduce costs, and enhance customer satisfaction.

Wie man mit wütenden Kunden umgeht?

Onepilot shares its best tips to avoid the escalation of angry customers, and avoid hitting a point of no return.

Neues Feature: Agenten-Gamifizierung

Discover our new feature for our agents to have fun while using the Onepilot App!

Dank einer effizienten Scorecard die besten Kundenbetreuer einstellen

Hiring customer care agents can be costly and complex. Learn how to avoid critical recruitment mistakes with our tips.

Wann und wie man erfolgreich seinen Kundenservice auslagert?

Wondering when and how to outsource your customer service? Here are the key steps to make an informed decision.

5 Schlüssel, um eine effiziente Wissensdatenbank für Ihren Kundenservice aufzubauen!

Build an efficient knowledge base for your customer care team with these five essential strategies.

Outsourcing des Kundendienstes und Datensicherheit: ein unschlagbares Team!

Learn more about our data protection and the "Onepilot Cockpit", the key to control the access and actions on your tools.

Wie DASH Water seinen Abonnentenzähler um 15% und seinen AOV um 14% in 3 Monaten dank Onepilot erhöht hat?

Expllore how DASH Water cut customer care costs by 50% while increasing subscriptions by 14.89% with Onepilot’s expertise.

Kundenservice: Die 8 schlimmsten Kundenerlebnisse, um sie loszuwerden (und unsere Tipps, um sie zu behalten!)

Check out the top 8 worst customer experiences and our tips on how to retain them.

Wie ein E-Shop wie Les Raffineurs, der ein großes Produktangebot von mehreren Marken anbietet, die Spitzen der Aktivität seines Kundensupports bewältigt?

Les Raffineurs maintained high customer service levels during the festive season with Onepilot for the third year.

SHAPE REPUBLIC: wie man den Kundensupport auslagert, ohne die hohen Standards zu vernachlässigen?

Shape Republic scaled customer support with Onepilot while maintaining its high standards in record time.

Von der Saat bis zum Wald: Aufbau des Kundenservice von La Fourche

La Fourche is making organic food affordable online. Discover how Onepilot supports their mission to empower users.

Wie bieten Sie Kundenservice an, der wirklich Loyalität aufbaut, wenn Sie ein Unternehmen in 40 Ländern betreiben?

Lalalab puts customer service at the center of marketing, tech, and logistics for well-prepared, impactful projects.

Leiter der Qualität: eine umfassende Rolle bei Onepilot

Discover the role of Coralie as Head of Quality at Onepilot and her contributions to a fast-growing tech company.

Wie der Kundendienst Ihnen dabei helfen kann, Ihre Marke während der Nebensaisons weiter voranzubringen

Coudac and Onepilot share strategies to boost branding and cut acquisition costs during off-peak seasons.

Von 0 auf 2M€ ARR in weniger als einem Jahr: Was haben wir bei Onepilot gelernt?

Our founders share with us how they achieve to grow from 0 to 2M€ ARR in less than a year.

Kundendienstmitarbeiter: Muss-Have-Fähigkeiten

Recruit and train exceptional customer care agents with these expert tips and must-have tools for success.

Wie Dr. Brandt während BFCM ein hohes Maß an Kundenservice aufrechterhält?

Discover how Dr. Brandt tripled conversion rates during BFCM while maintaining high customer service standards with Onepilot’s help.

"SPRiNG: Onepilot & Aircall für 24/7 Benutzerantwort"

SPRiNG prioritizes customer experience through its innovative partnership with Onepilot for outsourced service excellence.

Kundenservice: ein Profitcenter

Explore the hard, soft, and creative skills essential for excelling in customer care roles.






Outsourcing Customer Service: Solutions for Swiss Businesses

Swiss companies face high costs and talent shortages in customer service. Outsourcing offers cost-effective, scalable, and tech-driven solutions to enhance support.

Matera’s Success: Streamlining Customer Support with Onepilot & Front

Discover how Matera responds 2x faster to over 1,300 weekly requests with Onepilot and Front.

Quality Certification: How to Obtain It in 3 Years of a Startup?

Learn how Onepilot achieved ISO 18295-1 certification in just 3 years, improving customer service quality & operational efficiency.

10 Powerful Customer Service KPIs That Deliver Results

With thousands of KPIs out there, uncover the ones that truly drive success with real-life case studies to enhance customer experiences.

Revolutionary Guide: How Generations Shop for Holiday Joy

Explore how different generations shop during holidays and adapt your strategies to boost festive sales effectively.

Transform Your Business: Uplifting Voice of Customer Strategies

Enhance customer retention and innovation with Voice of Customer strategies. Turn feedback into impactful business results.

Mastering German Customer Care: Top Hiring Solutions

Master hiring German-speaking agents: overcome talent scarcity, cultural nuances, and legal hurdles with outsourcing solutions.

Onepilot’s Powerful Growth: €25M ARR & EBITDA Positive

From 0 to €25M ARR in 3 years, Onepilot grew with tech-driven innovation, disciplined growth, and a culture of ownership.

Exciting Secrets: Jonak and Onepilot's New Revolution

Discover the exciting secrets of Jonak and Onepilot's new revolution! Unleash powerful strategies that will elevate your journey to success today.

Master Customer Care for BFCM Success This Year

Prepare for record-breaking BFCM with fast, responsive customer service to enhance loyalty and maximize sales.

Excelia’s Lead Management Transformed with Onepilot’s Magic

Onepilot enhanced Excelia's lead management by streamlining processes, improving communication, and increasing conversion rates.

Exclusive Victory: Decathlon and Onepilot Shine Bright!

Les cas d’Or: Decathlon and Onepilot win for outsourced customer relations. A partnership for exceptional customer experience.

WhatsApp: The Future of Customer Relationships

Discover how WhatsApp stands out as a major asset for outsourcing customer support.

Unique Strategy: JOTT’s Surging Ticket Volume Explained

Learn how JOTT handled 10x ticket volumes during peaks with Onepilot’s smart solutions for scalable customer care success.

Unlock Powerful AI: Empower Support Agents Now

Generative AI, like ChatGPT, is reshaping customer support. But can AI truly replace human agents?

Wie hat Onepilot dem Bottle Club geholfen, seinen Fokus erfolgreich von schnellem Wachstum auf Rentabilität zu verlagern?

The Bottle Club experienced rapid growth and this surge in demand brought operational challenges.

Die Bedeutung des Nachkauf-Erlebnisses im Jahr 2024

Explore how a seamless post-purchase experience in 2024 can boost customer loyalty, drive sales, and enhance satisfaction.

Quitoque und Onepilot: 100% in Frankreich hergestellt

Discover how Quitoque leveraged Onepilot to support its customer care and increase their KPIs.

Vertuoza und Onepilot - eine Erfolgsgeschichte

A short overview of our partnership with Vertuoza, displaying how Onepilot can function as a business development enhancer.

Juristische Innovation in Aktion: der Onepilot-Effekt bei LegalPlace

Onepilot trained agents to help LegalPlace assist entrepreneurs in business creation and status updates seamlessly.

Wie Pony sein schnelles Wachstum mit 24/7-Kundenservice unterstützt

Discover how Onepilot helped Pony manage exponential growth while redefining electric shared mobility in France.

Warum Cabaïa "einfach nicht die Zukunft ohne Onepilot vorstellen kann"

Cabaïa reinforced its industry leadership with Onepilot, achieving lasting growth through a solid partnership.

Von 0 auf 10 Mio. € ARR in 2 Jahren: Onepilot Rückblick

From 0 to €10M ARR in 2 years: Onepilot retrospection.

Heights erweitert seinen Kundenservice in 10 Tagen mit voller Flexibilität

Heights scaled its team rapidly to maintain high customer satisfaction during a major off-site event.

Qonto wird seinen Kundenservice in einem Monat in einem neuen Markt in Deutschland ausbauen, nach der Übernahme seines Konkurrenten Penta

Qonto expanded its service team from 2 to 100 agents in a month with Onepilot to support Penta’s customer transition.

Wie man seinen Kundenservice erfolgreich in 6 Schritten outsourcen kann?

Learn how to outsource customer service in 6 steps to boost efficiency, reduce costs, and enhance customer satisfaction.

Wie man mit wütenden Kunden umgeht?

Onepilot shares its best tips to avoid the escalation of angry customers, and avoid hitting a point of no return.

Neues Feature: Agenten-Gamifizierung

Discover our new feature for our agents to have fun while using the Onepilot App!

Dank einer effizienten Scorecard die besten Kundenbetreuer einstellen

Hiring customer care agents can be costly and complex. Learn how to avoid critical recruitment mistakes with our tips.

Wann und wie man erfolgreich seinen Kundenservice auslagert?

Wondering when and how to outsource your customer service? Here are the key steps to make an informed decision.

5 Schlüssel, um eine effiziente Wissensdatenbank für Ihren Kundenservice aufzubauen!

Build an efficient knowledge base for your customer care team with these five essential strategies.

Outsourcing des Kundendienstes und Datensicherheit: ein unschlagbares Team!

Learn more about our data protection and the "Onepilot Cockpit", the key to control the access and actions on your tools.

Wie DASH Water seinen Abonnentenzähler um 15% und seinen AOV um 14% in 3 Monaten dank Onepilot erhöht hat?

Expllore how DASH Water cut customer care costs by 50% while increasing subscriptions by 14.89% with Onepilot’s expertise.

Kundenservice: Die 8 schlimmsten Kundenerlebnisse, um sie loszuwerden (und unsere Tipps, um sie zu behalten!)

Check out the top 8 worst customer experiences and our tips on how to retain them.

Wie ein E-Shop wie Les Raffineurs, der ein großes Produktangebot von mehreren Marken anbietet, die Spitzen der Aktivität seines Kundensupports bewältigt?

Les Raffineurs maintained high customer service levels during the festive season with Onepilot for the third year.

SHAPE REPUBLIC: wie man den Kundensupport auslagert, ohne die hohen Standards zu vernachlässigen?

Shape Republic scaled customer support with Onepilot while maintaining its high standards in record time.

Von der Saat bis zum Wald: Aufbau des Kundenservice von La Fourche

La Fourche is making organic food affordable online. Discover how Onepilot supports their mission to empower users.

Wie bieten Sie Kundenservice an, der wirklich Loyalität aufbaut, wenn Sie ein Unternehmen in 40 Ländern betreiben?

Lalalab puts customer service at the center of marketing, tech, and logistics for well-prepared, impactful projects.

Leiter der Qualität: eine umfassende Rolle bei Onepilot

Discover the role of Coralie as Head of Quality at Onepilot and her contributions to a fast-growing tech company.

Wie der Kundendienst Ihnen dabei helfen kann, Ihre Marke während der Nebensaisons weiter voranzubringen

Coudac and Onepilot share strategies to boost branding and cut acquisition costs during off-peak seasons.

Von 0 auf 2M€ ARR in weniger als einem Jahr: Was haben wir bei Onepilot gelernt?

Our founders share with us how they achieve to grow from 0 to 2M€ ARR in less than a year.

Kundendienstmitarbeiter: Muss-Have-Fähigkeiten

Recruit and train exceptional customer care agents with these expert tips and must-have tools for success.

Wie Dr. Brandt während BFCM ein hohes Maß an Kundenservice aufrechterhält?

Discover how Dr. Brandt tripled conversion rates during BFCM while maintaining high customer service standards with Onepilot’s help.

"SPRiNG: Onepilot & Aircall für 24/7 Benutzerantwort"

SPRiNG prioritizes customer experience through its innovative partnership with Onepilot for outsourced service excellence.

Kundenservice: ein Profitcenter

Explore the hard, soft, and creative skills essential for excelling in customer care roles.






Outsourcing Customer Service: Solutions for Swiss Businesses

Swiss companies face high costs and talent shortages in customer service. Outsourcing offers cost-effective, scalable, and tech-driven solutions to enhance support.

Matera’s Success: Streamlining Customer Support with Onepilot & Front

Discover how Matera responds 2x faster to over 1,300 weekly requests with Onepilot and Front.

Quality Certification: How to Obtain It in 3 Years of a Startup?

Learn how Onepilot achieved ISO 18295-1 certification in just 3 years, improving customer service quality & operational efficiency.

10 Powerful Customer Service KPIs That Deliver Results

With thousands of KPIs out there, uncover the ones that truly drive success with real-life case studies to enhance customer experiences.

Revolutionary Guide: How Generations Shop for Holiday Joy

Explore how different generations shop during holidays and adapt your strategies to boost festive sales effectively.

Transform Your Business: Uplifting Voice of Customer Strategies

Enhance customer retention and innovation with Voice of Customer strategies. Turn feedback into impactful business results.

Mastering German Customer Care: Top Hiring Solutions

Master hiring German-speaking agents: overcome talent scarcity, cultural nuances, and legal hurdles with outsourcing solutions.

Onepilot’s Powerful Growth: €25M ARR & EBITDA Positive

From 0 to €25M ARR in 3 years, Onepilot grew with tech-driven innovation, disciplined growth, and a culture of ownership.

Exciting Secrets: Jonak and Onepilot's New Revolution

Discover the exciting secrets of Jonak and Onepilot's new revolution! Unleash powerful strategies that will elevate your journey to success today.

Master Customer Care for BFCM Success This Year

Prepare for record-breaking BFCM with fast, responsive customer service to enhance loyalty and maximize sales.

Excelia’s Lead Management Transformed with Onepilot’s Magic

Onepilot enhanced Excelia's lead management by streamlining processes, improving communication, and increasing conversion rates.

Exclusive Victory: Decathlon and Onepilot Shine Bright!

Les cas d’Or: Decathlon and Onepilot win for outsourced customer relations. A partnership for exceptional customer experience.

WhatsApp: The Future of Customer Relationships

Discover how WhatsApp stands out as a major asset for outsourcing customer support.

Unique Strategy: JOTT’s Surging Ticket Volume Explained

Learn how JOTT handled 10x ticket volumes during peaks with Onepilot’s smart solutions for scalable customer care success.

Unlock Powerful AI: Empower Support Agents Now

Generative AI, like ChatGPT, is reshaping customer support. But can AI truly replace human agents?

Wie hat Onepilot dem Bottle Club geholfen, seinen Fokus erfolgreich von schnellem Wachstum auf Rentabilität zu verlagern?

The Bottle Club experienced rapid growth and this surge in demand brought operational challenges.

Die Bedeutung des Nachkauf-Erlebnisses im Jahr 2024

Explore how a seamless post-purchase experience in 2024 can boost customer loyalty, drive sales, and enhance satisfaction.

Quitoque und Onepilot: 100% in Frankreich hergestellt

Discover how Quitoque leveraged Onepilot to support its customer care and increase their KPIs.

Vertuoza und Onepilot - eine Erfolgsgeschichte

A short overview of our partnership with Vertuoza, displaying how Onepilot can function as a business development enhancer.

Juristische Innovation in Aktion: der Onepilot-Effekt bei LegalPlace

Onepilot trained agents to help LegalPlace assist entrepreneurs in business creation and status updates seamlessly.

Wie Pony sein schnelles Wachstum mit 24/7-Kundenservice unterstützt

Discover how Onepilot helped Pony manage exponential growth while redefining electric shared mobility in France.

Warum Cabaïa "einfach nicht die Zukunft ohne Onepilot vorstellen kann"

Cabaïa reinforced its industry leadership with Onepilot, achieving lasting growth through a solid partnership.

Von 0 auf 10 Mio. € ARR in 2 Jahren: Onepilot Rückblick

From 0 to €10M ARR in 2 years: Onepilot retrospection.

Heights erweitert seinen Kundenservice in 10 Tagen mit voller Flexibilität

Heights scaled its team rapidly to maintain high customer satisfaction during a major off-site event.

Qonto wird seinen Kundenservice in einem Monat in einem neuen Markt in Deutschland ausbauen, nach der Übernahme seines Konkurrenten Penta

Qonto expanded its service team from 2 to 100 agents in a month with Onepilot to support Penta’s customer transition.

Wie man seinen Kundenservice erfolgreich in 6 Schritten outsourcen kann?

Learn how to outsource customer service in 6 steps to boost efficiency, reduce costs, and enhance customer satisfaction.

Wie man mit wütenden Kunden umgeht?

Onepilot shares its best tips to avoid the escalation of angry customers, and avoid hitting a point of no return.

Neues Feature: Agenten-Gamifizierung

Discover our new feature for our agents to have fun while using the Onepilot App!

Dank einer effizienten Scorecard die besten Kundenbetreuer einstellen

Hiring customer care agents can be costly and complex. Learn how to avoid critical recruitment mistakes with our tips.

Wann und wie man erfolgreich seinen Kundenservice auslagert?

Wondering when and how to outsource your customer service? Here are the key steps to make an informed decision.

5 Schlüssel, um eine effiziente Wissensdatenbank für Ihren Kundenservice aufzubauen!

Build an efficient knowledge base for your customer care team with these five essential strategies.

Outsourcing des Kundendienstes und Datensicherheit: ein unschlagbares Team!

Learn more about our data protection and the "Onepilot Cockpit", the key to control the access and actions on your tools.

Wie DASH Water seinen Abonnentenzähler um 15% und seinen AOV um 14% in 3 Monaten dank Onepilot erhöht hat?

Expllore how DASH Water cut customer care costs by 50% while increasing subscriptions by 14.89% with Onepilot’s expertise.

Kundenservice: Die 8 schlimmsten Kundenerlebnisse, um sie loszuwerden (und unsere Tipps, um sie zu behalten!)

Check out the top 8 worst customer experiences and our tips on how to retain them.

Wie ein E-Shop wie Les Raffineurs, der ein großes Produktangebot von mehreren Marken anbietet, die Spitzen der Aktivität seines Kundensupports bewältigt?

Les Raffineurs maintained high customer service levels during the festive season with Onepilot for the third year.

SHAPE REPUBLIC: wie man den Kundensupport auslagert, ohne die hohen Standards zu vernachlässigen?

Shape Republic scaled customer support with Onepilot while maintaining its high standards in record time.

Von der Saat bis zum Wald: Aufbau des Kundenservice von La Fourche

La Fourche is making organic food affordable online. Discover how Onepilot supports their mission to empower users.

Wie bieten Sie Kundenservice an, der wirklich Loyalität aufbaut, wenn Sie ein Unternehmen in 40 Ländern betreiben?

Lalalab puts customer service at the center of marketing, tech, and logistics for well-prepared, impactful projects.

Leiter der Qualität: eine umfassende Rolle bei Onepilot

Discover the role of Coralie as Head of Quality at Onepilot and her contributions to a fast-growing tech company.

Wie der Kundendienst Ihnen dabei helfen kann, Ihre Marke während der Nebensaisons weiter voranzubringen

Coudac and Onepilot share strategies to boost branding and cut acquisition costs during off-peak seasons.

Von 0 auf 2M€ ARR in weniger als einem Jahr: Was haben wir bei Onepilot gelernt?

Our founders share with us how they achieve to grow from 0 to 2M€ ARR in less than a year.

Kundendienstmitarbeiter: Muss-Have-Fähigkeiten

Recruit and train exceptional customer care agents with these expert tips and must-have tools for success.

Wie Dr. Brandt während BFCM ein hohes Maß an Kundenservice aufrechterhält?

Discover how Dr. Brandt tripled conversion rates during BFCM while maintaining high customer service standards with Onepilot’s help.

"SPRiNG: Onepilot & Aircall für 24/7 Benutzerantwort"

SPRiNG prioritizes customer experience through its innovative partnership with Onepilot for outsourced service excellence.

Kundenservice: ein Profitcenter

Explore the hard, soft, and creative skills essential for excelling in customer care roles.

Die besten Teams der Welt per Klick.

250+ Kunden vertrauen uns, 15M+ Interaktionen pro Jahr zu handhaben, von Next-Gen-Startups bis hin zu etablierten Unternehmen.

Die besten Teams der Welt per Klick.

250+ Kunden vertrauen uns, 15M+ Interaktionen pro Jahr zu handhaben, von Next-Gen-Startups bis hin zu etablierten Unternehmen.

Die besten Teams der Welt per Klick.

250+ Kunden vertrauen uns, 15M+ Interaktionen pro Jahr zu handhaben, von Next-Gen-Startups bis hin zu etablierten Unternehmen.

Du bist in guter Gesellschaft.

Du musst unserem Wort nicht vertrauen.

„Wir verwenden die Onepilot-Lösung jetzt seit einem Jahr und sind immer noch sehr zufrieden mit der Geschwindigkeit und Qualität der Antworten der Helden.Ihr engagiertes Team und innovative Lösungen haben unsere betriebliche Effizienz erheblich verbessert. Ein echter Mehrwert für unser Unternehmen!“

Irina Razanakolona

COO, Helloasso

"Unsere Ergebnisse sind gut, wenn man bedenkt, dass wir insgesamt sehr hohe Zielmetriken bei Qonto haben. Wir hatten einen CSAT von etwa 4,4, als wir migrierten, und streben jetzt nach 4,7, was in etwa unübertroffen im Bereich Finanztechnologie oder Banken ist. Ein herausragender Kundensupport ist wirklich einer der strategischen Pfeiler von Qonto, und wir erreichen allmählich unsere Ziele mit einer Einrichtung, die gut mit Onepilot funktioniert."

Minh-Hai Le

Senior Director Strategic Operations, Qonto

”Onepilot hat mich mit seiner Fähigkeit beeindruckt, sein Team zu erweitern und eine große Anzahl von Tickets zu verwalten. Ihre Organisation ist wirklich effektiv und ermöglicht es Ihnen, den gesamten oder einen Teil Ihres Kundenservice zu delegieren mit einem beruhigten Gewissen. Gut gemacht!”

Glenda Barbosa

Leiter der Kundenerfahrung Qualität, Leetchi

Sie sind 1min von Ihrem besten Kundenerlebnis entfernt.

Sie sind 1min von Ihrem besten Kundenerlebnis entfernt.

Sie sind 1min von Ihrem besten Kundenerlebnis entfernt.